Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Part 2 - Priority #1 - YOU!

February is an interesting month representing so many things amongst which is Black History, Valentine’s Day, National Heart Disease Awareness … and these are just the tip of the iceberg!  This year it’s even a leap year yet still remains the shortest month out of a year at 29 days.  Does it remind you of your life? So many things and feeling like there’s so little time?  I know it does mine (or at least it used to until this year)!

The reality is when my health flat-lined just around Thanksgiving last year, the fast paced life I live came to a screeching halt.  Thankfully if it had to happen, the timing was perfect.  I’m in sales and travel a great deal across the country throughout the year.  Between Thanksgiving and New Year it’s a much slower pace and I actually get to be home for a little over a month without doing any business travel. So what did I do with this time?  I started to plan my upcoming travel season of course!  The realization quickly hit that the current condition of my body would never allow me to do everything I want and need both personally and professionally.  It was in this ah ha moment that I took action to turn things around, making the decision to take control now, thinking in terms of what will happen if I don’t.  What will it cost me (and I’m not talking about just money)? And then what steps I could take immediately to make positive progress. 

Here are those steps (starting the week of Thanksgiving 2011):
1.       Appointments with my chiropractor, Dr. Sean Konrad (
2.        Bring on the massage therapist, Chris Speranza (
3.       To hit a home run, nutrition from the inside out with the help of Rosie Bank (, Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant (who by the way lives 3,000 miles away from me in California and kicks my butt with positive energy/reinforcement!).

December was filled with appointments:  chiropractor, massage therapist and chats with Rosie. Rosie was easing me into nutritional options provided by USANA ( and by the end of the month I was eagerly awaiting a box with nutritional goodies!

Early January 2012 brought with it decreased chiropractor and massage therapy visits … gone was the feeling that I live with both these people. Then the path to embracing the benefits of gentle yoga at least twice a week ( and for those that know me this is a HUGE step.    Oh yeah, that box of nutritional goodies?  It arrived! 

Let me guess?  You’re now wondering what was in that box and how I’m feeling at this point, right?  Well, I am still in pain every now and then as opposed to all the time.  I am walking daily, for at least a ½ hour 4-5 times per week, which includes a mix of either walking with my dog or with the ladies at work during lunch.  I also joined a WalkFit program put on by Fleet Feet (   Each time I’m able to push just a bit harder/further.  My energy level is improving daily and carb cravings are under control.  While I haven’t gotten on a scale, my clothes are fitting better/looser and some clothes I haven’t been able to get into now I can (although I’m not ready to wear them in public just yet)!  So this is where I’m going to leave off until next time <smile>.

Yes, in my next blog, I promise to tell you what was in that box from USANA, share some healthy food options (you may even start craving them like I have) plus I’ll tell you about my one little word that’s helping me stay on track.  

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